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I am a research scientist with broad interests in machine learning and artificial intelligence. My work on large scale learning and stochastic gradient algorithms has received attention in the recent years. I am also known for the DjVu document compression system. I joined Facebook AI Research in March 2015.

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Large-Scale Kernel Machines

MIT Press has announced the availability of the book Large-Scale Kernel Machines, edited by Léon Bottou, Olivier Chapelle, Dennis DeCoste, and Jason Weston. This book expands the theme of our NIPS 2005 workshop. The book homepage contains useful information. You can even find the complete BibTex file that was used to generate the list of references.

2007/08/10 13:22

Publication database updated

Thanks to a small lush script to parse BibTex files, all my publications are now indexed here. Most of them are available online. I still need to scan the oldest ones. My little BibTex parser now lives in the Lush CVS repository.

2011/06/25 23:11

Old website offline

Browsing now redirects you to this new website. There is still much work to be done.

2011/06/25 23:11

Web site rewrite

Started to rewrite my web site using Dokuwiki.
The old home page can be found at
The list of publication is still at

2011/06/25 23:11
start.txt · Last modified: 2018/08/21 20:35 by leonb

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